Border Unsecure Due to Biden’s Abandonment of Trump’s Strategies

There has been a lot of talk about Biden’s changes to the rules and standards that Trump set up for border security. 

Some experts say that President Joe Biden has “unsecured the border” by rolling back many of the laws that President Donald Trump made to keep the border safe. People blame Biden for the huge problems with border control in the US right now because he went against many of Trump’s plans. 

She said, “By ending Remain in Mexico, encouraging asylum fraud, and mass paroling illegal aliens, Biden has provided entry to millions of inadmissible aliens.”

There has been a lot of talk and debate about what is going on at the Southern Border. As the election in November draws near, immigration and border control have also been major issues. Many voters are looking at how these issues are being handled to help them choose a candidate. A poll from Monmouth University found that only 26% of Americans were happy with how Biden was handling the immigration situation. 

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“By every measure, Biden took a secure border and intentionally unsecured it,” Ries stated. According to Ries, President Biden “worked to systematically undermine America’s border security.”

Several news sources say that the Biden administration had 64 policies on the border, and 16 of them were different from what President Donald Trump had planned. 

He said that Biden’s choice caused “chaos at the border,” but that some of the changes he made helped. Mark Morgan is from the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center. He said he thinks people who want refuge should be able to go to the safest country closest to them. 

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