Does Canada’s Trudeau government want support from younger people?

There is a leader in Canada named Justin Trudeau who says he will make the rich pay more in taxes. People think this is an attempt to get younger people to back it because the extra money given to the government would help them in the long run. 

The election is coming up soon, and the Prime Minister has suggested a bill that would spend more than fifty billion Canadian dollars. This bill would mostly help Generation Z and Millennials by giving them grants, student loans, affordable housing, and work placement programs. 

As Canada’s Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland said, “Our promise has always been to make life easy for middle-class people.” 

But Freedland says, “Today, Millennial and Gen Z Canadians can get a good job, work hard, and do everything their parents did and more. Too often, though, the reward stays out of reach.” “They look at their parents’ lives and wonder, ‘How will I ever be able to afford that?'” Freedland said.

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She went on to say that she knew this idea would be met with opposition, but that in the end, it would make the rich pay their taxes. 

Liberal leader Freedland asked, “But before they complain too much, I’d like Canada’s 1% and 0.1 % to think about this: What kind of Canada do you want to live in?”

People don’t like Trudeau as much as they used to because of the high cost of living and other economic problems in the country. If this plan passes, it could help him in the next election.

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