Emory University was looked into for anti-Muslim bias during protests

Emory University is being looked into by the US government for discrimination against Muslims. The US Education Department told the Council of American Islamic Relations, Georgia, and Palestine Legal that it would be looking into the claims made in a report. 

On 18 pages, the lawsuit was written by students at the University of Atlanta who are protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. This is one of six reports about discrimination in universities that have been made in the last few weeks. People of Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab descent are the ones who are being discriminated against. 

The complaint mostly names students who are part of the group Students for Justice in Palestine. This group was banned last year after members said that the events on October 7 were a “win for the Palestine residents.” 

Just in the last ten days, Columbia and Rutgers have also sent complaints. About 350 reports have been sent to the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights with what they call “shared ancestry” claims. These claims include antisemitic and Islamophobic ones. 

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The complaint was shared by Laura Diamond, a spokeswoman for Emory University. The statement said, “Emory does not tolerate behavior or actions that threaten, harm, or target individuals because of their identities or backgrounds.”

Students said that they had complained to the university directly but that it had not responded. This is what made them start a civil rights investigation. Elif Ibrahim, a student at Emory, said, “Our point is that campus is hostile.” We didn’t want to be investigated for human rights violations. It takes a lot of time for us students. But they didn’t give us any other options.

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