“Systemic Discrimination” is what San Francisco is sorry for

The city of San Francisco has officially apologized to black people who live in the city for the years of systematic racism it has been guilty of. 

A resolution was passed by the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco to apologize to black residents for acts of targeted violence and systematic discrimination and to say that the city would work for “the rectification and redress of past policies and misdeeds.”

The first part of the motion said, “The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco apologizes to African Americans and their descendants for systemic and structural discrimination, targeted acts of violence, and atrocities.”

The promise spelled out in this motion is the first suggestion that the Board of Supervisors committee has agreed to. However, the city and its people can expect more changes in the near future. After events like the murder of George Floyd, many people in America were looking for change, and Supervisor Hillary Ronen talked about the protests. This kind of choice shows how people felt. 

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“People in the United States were everywhere all across the country out in the streets and saying enough is enough,” stated Ronen. “It was one of the most exciting moments that I’ve ever gotten to live through because it felt like there was a real fundamental change and reckoning happening.” 

Many people have said that this is a great way to keep making a difference, even though Floyd’s murder is still going on. 

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